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Students with a confluence of the three primary gifted behaviors are in need of specialized instruction. These three behaviors are passion on task, creativity, and test scores that are significantly higher than the norm for their age.


Giftedness can be found in any age, demographic, and personality type. It is important that adults look hard to discover their potential and support children as they strive to improve. To that end, the Hope Community Charter School District uses multiple measures to determine if a student is in need of specialized support for giftedness.


Definition of Giftedness

Gifted and talented students are students who possess or demonstrate high levels of ability in one or more content areas when compared to their chronological peers in the district and who require modification of their educational program if they are to achieve in accordance with their capabilities.


What is Giftedness?


Differences Between Being Bright, Gifted, & Creative

Bright vs. Gifted vs. Creative Thinker



Gifted and Talented Program Goals

  1. Provide a variety of appropriate types and levels of acceleration, curriculum compacting, and enrichment in grades 1-8 that are based on student needs.

  2. Provide students with learning experiences at an appropriate level of challenge based on multiple measures used in the identification process.

  3. Design, develop and implement high-quality curricula that are supported by research-based models appropriate for gifted students and are aligned with, and extend the general classroom curricula.

  4. Annually assess and evaluate the effectiveness of the gifted and talented program at addressing students’ needs.

  5. Provide specialized training for teachers who have responsibility for students with advanced potential.


Elementary Level Program

The Hope Community Charter School District provides a variety of services for its Gifted & Talented (G&T) students. Identified kindergarten and first-grade students receive whole-class, push-in instruction using enrichment and STEAM activities. Second through Fifth-grade students are identified for participation in one or more of the enrichment pull-out programs for the following units of instruction: Reading and Literacy Enrichment, Mathematics Enrichment, and Science Enrichment.


A. Identification Procedure

  • Grade K: Whole-class, push-in differentiated instruction is provided in the classroom setting. Students will be evaluated for identification as candidates for the program using multiple measures:

    • Mathematics

      • Envisions Beginning of Year Math Assessment

      • Math Running Records

      • Report Card: Grades

    • Reading and Literacy

      • Report Card Grades (Reading, Writing, and Fundations)

      • Fundations Unit Assessments

      • DRA Assessment

    • Science

      • Teacher Recommendation

      • Report Card Grades

  • Grade 1: Whole-class, push-in differentiated instruction is provided in the classroom setting. Students will be evaluated for identification as candidates for the program using multiple measures:

    • Mathematics

      • Grade 1 SLO End of Year Math Assessment

      • Math Running Records

      • Report Card: Grades

    • Reading and Literacy

      • Report Card Grades (Reading, Writing, and Fundations)

      • Fundations Unit Assessments

      • DRA Assessment

    • Science

      • Teacher Recommendation

      • Report Card Grades

  • Grade 2: Students participate in a pull-out instructional program. Students will be evaluated for identification as candidates for the program using multiple measures:

    • Mathematics

      • Go Math End of Year Math Assessment

      • Math Running Records

      • Report Card: Grades

    • Reading and Literacy

      • Report Card Grades (Reading, Writing, and Fundations)

      • Fundations Unit Assessments

      • DRA Assessment

    • Science

      • Teacher Recommendation

      • Report Card Grades

  • Grade 3: Students participate in a pull-out instructional program. Students will be evaluated for identification as candidates for the program using multiple measures:

    • Mathematics

      • Go Math End of Year Math Assessment

      • Math Running Records

      • BOY iReady Math Benchmark

      • Report Card: Grades

    • Reading and Literacy

      • Report Card Grades (Reading, Writing, and Fundations)

      • Fundations Unit Assessments

      • DRA Assessment

      • BOY iReady Reading Benchmark

    • Science

      • Teacher Recommendation

      • Report Card Grades

  • Grades 4-5: Students participate in a pull-out instructional program. Students will be evaluated for identification as candidates for the program using multiple measures:

    • Mathematics

      • Go Math End of Year Math Assessment

      • Report Card: Grades

      • BOY iReady Math Benchmark

    • Reading and Literacy

      • Report Card Grades (Reading, Writing, and Word Study)

      • BOY iReady Reading Benchmark Assessment

      • DRA Assessment

    • Science

      • Teacher Recommendation

      • Report Card Grades


In grades K-5: the top 20% of each grade are included in this instructional programming. Additionally, all students in grades K-5 will be instructed through differentiation in the classroom in core content areas as appropriate.


B. Transfer Students

Students who transfer into the Hope Community Charter School will be screened for eligibility for participation in the Gifted & Talented Program. In order to be eligible for the program, transfer students must meet the established criteria. The data used to determine eligibility will be taken from the cumulative records of the student as well as from current testing using the district or state standardized tests. If teacher recommendations are needed, the student will not be eligible for the program until one full marking period has been completed, at which time recommendations must be provided by the classroom teacher.


C. Acceptance into the Program

Parental Permission - Written parental permission for the student to participate in the program must be provided.


D. Admission to the Program through Re-evaluation

Students who have demonstrated unusually high performance but have not successfully met the requirements may qualify for a retest or further screenings if requested by the administration or the parent.


E. Requirements for Continued Eligibility

All reasonable efforts will be made to avoid dismissal or suspension from the program, however, reasons may include:

  • Low achievement in the traditional classroom setting;

  • Disruptive behavior;

  • Continued inability to emotionally handle the challenges of the program; and

  • Written parent request for the student to withdraw from the program (readmission to the program at a later time will require requalification as a new candidate).


F. Procedures for Removal

  • A formal conference will be held with the student, parent(s), and all involved personnel to discuss the student’s progress in both the classroom and the Gifted & Talented Program.


Following the formal conference, immediate withdrawal may be recommended, or a conditional period may be determined.


If it is determined that a conditional period would benefit the student, a contract will be written establishing the expectations to be achieved during the conditional period. At the conclusion of the conditional period, a second formal conference will be held to determine whether the student will continue in the program or be dismissed.


G. Appeal Procedure

A legal guardian may appeal a decision by requesting in writing that the student be re-evaluated for the program.

Upon receipt of the appeal, a meeting will be scheduled with the parent, the program teacher, the homeroom teacher, other teachers, as applicable, and the principal.

The parent shall receive written notification of the outcome of the appeal. The Appeal Committee shall make such notification.


H. Complaint Procedure

An individual who believes that the Hope Community Charter School District has not complied with the provisions of Board Resolution 2022.8.12: Gifted and Talented Students Policy may file a complaint with the Board of Trustees.

In that complaint, please include the following:

  1. The full name of the parent/guardian ;

  2. The full name, school, and grade level of the student

  3. The nature of the complaint, including the specific area or areas of the Gifted & Talented Program Policy that have not been followed; and

  4. An explanation of the steps taken to remedy those concerns prior to filing the complaint.


The board shall issue a decision, in writing, to affirm, reject, or modify the district's action in the matter. The individual may then file a petition of the appeal of the Board's written decision to the Commissioner of Education through the Office of Controversies and Disputes in accordance with N.J.S.18A:6-9 and the procedures set forth in State Board of Education regulations.


Secondary (6-8) Level Program

Students in grades 6-8 are served through a comprehensive advanced placement program in the humanities, STEM, the arts, and leadership.


Complaint about Non-compliance with HCCS Gifted and Talented Education


Complaint about Non-compliance with HCCS Gifted and Talented Education Google Form


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