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Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying (HIB)
It is a basic human right for each person to be able to conduct his or her educational activities in an atmosphere free offear, threats, bullying, and teasing. Therefore, bullying, harassment, or discrimination of any kind, either verbal or physical, will not be tolerated. This policy also applies to racial slurs and ethnic "jokes". Bullying report forms can be found on this page below.
ANTI-BULLYING SPECIALIST: Jennifer Smith 836 S. 4th Street Camden, NJ 08103 856.379.3448 2020-2021 HIB Grade 64 out of 78 2021-2022 HIB Grade 62 out of 78 2022-2023 HIB Grade 62 out of 78 2023-2024 HIB Grade 61 out of 78
HIB Presentation
HIB Presentation (1)
HIB Presentation (5)
HIB Presentation
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